Our work capital is the people, that is why we look forward to giving value to our attorneys and form a multidisciplinary work team, with collaborators that are competent and passionate about our cause.

Roberto Brasil
Lawyer Partner
Founder of the Brasil Fernandes law firm. Named one of the most experienced and active lawyers in the gambling industry in Brazil, has extensive knowledge of the legislative procedures of the National Congress and its Internal Rules. Has experience as a lawyer practicing in Constitutional Law, especially in actions of original competence of the Superior Courts. Lawyer member of the IAB - Institute of Brazilian Attorneys.

Dandara Molozzi
Associate Lawyer
Graduated in Law from Univali – University of Vale do Itajaí-SC - 2011. Post-graduated in Real Estate Law from Univali -2014. He has over 10 years of experience and exclusive dedication to Real Estate and Contract Law.

Luize Favero
Associate Lawyer
Graduated in Law from the University of Vale do Itajaí (Univali)
Graduate student in Contracts and Civil Liability at the Brazilian School of Law (Ebradi)

Luize Favero
Associate Lawyer
Graduated in Law from the University of Vale do Itajaí (Univali)
Graduate student in Contracts and Civil Liability at the Brazilian School of Law (Ebradi)

Luize Favero
Associate Lawyer
Graduated in Law from the University of Vale do Itajaí (Univali)
Graduate student in Contracts and Civil Liability at the Brazilian School of Law (Ebradi)

Luize Favero
Associate Lawyer
Graduated in Law from the University of Vale do Itajaí (Univali)
Graduate student in Contracts and Civil Liability at the Brazilian School of Law (Ebradi)

Luize Favero
Associate Lawyer
Graduated in Law from the University of Vale do Itajaí (Univali)
Graduate student in Contracts and Civil Liability at the Brazilian School of Law (Ebradi)

Angela Volpato
Lawyer Co-associate
Lawyer with a prominent role in the area of Social Security Law, with experiences in law firms and also as a judicial adviser.

Partner lawyer responsible for the management of labor, real estate and risk management. Has experience as a lawyer working in multinational companies. LL.M in Business Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV. Assistant Legal VP of the Balneário Camboriú Business Association - ACIBALC.
Lawyer Partner
Daniel Fernandes

He is a specialist in Constitutional Law at ABDConst and the Law of Customs and Foreign Trade at UNIVALI. He started his career at Amaral Advogados Associados in Londrina; worked in Port Law at the Ports Administration of Paranaguá and Antonina's Legal Direction during the year 2018; currently deals with civil matters in the Metallurgical Industry, Lottery, and Gambling. English and Portuguese Speaker.
Lawyer Associate
Alexandre Amaral Filho

He is a specialist in Constitutional Law at ABDConst and the Law of Customs and Foreign Trade at UNIVALI. He started his career at Amaral Advogados Associados in Londrina; worked in Port Law at the Ports Administration of Paranaguá and Antonina's Legal Direction during the year 2018; currently deals with civil matters in the Metallurgical Industry, Lottery, and Gambling. English and Portuguese Speaker.
Lawyer Associate
Alexandre Amaral Filho

Responsible for financial and administrative sector.
Kelly Niccolodi

Responsible for financial and administrative sector.
Kelly Niccolodi

Former professor at the University of Western Santa Catarina (UNOESC), Campus of São Miguel do Oeste, Pinhalzinho, Maravilha and Xanxerê, in the disciplines of Criminal Law, Constitutional Law and Constitutional Procedural Law. Lawyer with outstanding performance in the Court of the Jury and in Courts, including superiors (STF and STJ).
Lawyer Co-associate
João Dalmagro

Lawyer with outstanding performance in Business Law, notably in labor and tax lawsuits.
Lawyer Co-associate
Guilherme Nardi

Graduated in Design, she is responsible for all aspects of communication, media and assists in strategic planning in customer service.
Legal Design
Nathalia Zanoni

Graduated in Design, she is responsible for all aspects of communication, media and assists in strategic planning in customer service.
Legal Design