Procedure in public administration institutions into the three mains spheres of the Republic, attached with administrative, extrajudicial and litigious attendance.
Contracts and editorials preparations; advisory of bussiness with legal entity of publical right; negotiation and levy; bidding advisory, grants, covenants, precatories and outsourcing.

The dynamism of importation and exportation markets and the inner commercialization of commodities and import services, request specialized advisory from professional of Custon, Tax, Administrave Law and other branches that provide the required support to the developed activity, as much for comercial companies as importers, exporters and service providers attached to "COMEX", as the custons expedite's commissionaires.
The Brasil Fernandes Law Office attend to this practice, offering advisory and consultancy, making operations of foreign market legally possible.

Analysis, advisory and criation of bank and financials contracts, public or private.
Renegotiation of dividends. Defense of revised actions, prodidence of colective actions about inflacionary purges.

The foreign wad admission in Brazil submits in a complex and unavoidable legislation, due to the financial results can be enjoyed by the investors.
The lawmaker demands the register of foreign wads in Brazil in the Brazilian Central Bank (Banco Central do Brasil - in portuguese) - Law 4.131/62 and circular 3689/2013 of BCB.
Atuation in Cabinet of Foreign Relations - Itamaraty; Federal Policy; Central Bank; INCRA; Council of National Security; Cabinet of Labor and Employment - MTE; Cabinet of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade - MDIC; and National Department of Register of Trade - DNRC.

Attendence of the legal bussiness of our clients, offering security for the taken decisions, for the achievements and for the civil responsability of the obbligations taken between the parts and resulting of the occupation performed.
Advisory on elaboration, negotiation and renegotiation of contracts with analysis of the legal order applied and of applications in the inner and external market with vision of prospection and legal security.
Actions of execution and charging of titles and advocacy of clients which appears as executed. Charging and extrajudicial negotiations.

Plead of the clients interests in the constitucional sphere, through the monitoring and elaboration of Direct Action of Unconstitutionality (ADI - in portuguese), Declaratory Action of Constitutionality (ADC - in portuguese), Delation of noncompliance of Basic Precept (ADPF - in portuguese), Writ of Injunction, Habeas Corpus, Writ of Security, Habeas Data, Popular Action, Complaiment, Amicus Curiae Request, last instance appeals, hearing with Ministers, Oral Arguments in Higher Courts and other ways and possibilities to advocacy the individuals or collectives.

The lawyers work in Federal Supreme Court to advocate for the states enlargement, contribute within the legal security to the maintenance of the State Lotteries in Brazil.
For monitoring the proposed bills in the Deputies Chambers and Senate, the lawyer and founder, Roberto C. Brasil Fernandes, is licensed to represent the State Lotteries interests, inside the RICD terms, and accompanies the state legislation and the regulatory norms of public agencies, that are relevant.
Brazil had the legalization, on December 12, 2018, of the Sports Betting modality, granted under the law 13.756/2018, whose activity already invoice more than 1,5 billions of reals in the country through a legal operation hosted in countries that allow to operate these web business and permit Brazilians to access the website from national territory.
The new market of sports betting, and the vertical growth of the e-gaming, the advancement of the mind-gaming market and the jockey clubs, the expectation of enlargement of the Brazilian legal gaming portfolio, especially the interest of Casinos Resorts and Multidisciplinary Casinos building, make the country an important destiny for national and foreign investors to work inside the legality and to be prepared for the new business environment.
Advocate for the Entertainment Industry in Brazil, especially about the Legal Gaming, demands specifics skills for the consultative and litigation service, from the legal aspects to internalize the investment capital, partnership, bidding, among other legal subjects, already lived by our associate lawyers and partners.

Qualification and experience of real estate market with monitoring of diary movimentations of the bussiness, providing better results through nimbleness and safety in every decision taken and prevention of liabilities.
Advocacy of the clients interests and advisory about the rights of possession, real estate incorporation and division of ground, real rights of grants, acquisition and usufruct.
Advisory in regulamentation plans, expansion and real estate demobilization, analisys and elaboration of unities transmission's contracts, pledge of purchase and selling, rent, lending and legal bussiness between entrepreneurs and investors.
Extrajudicial attendence and consulting in real estate law area, with monitoring of protocols of registers and Registry Office's registrations, doubt casting.

Attendance of groups focous into brazilian legal order development, with participation in public hearings, nacional and internacional congresses, interviews and public debates with others areas representatives, with technical knowledge and specific from the internal regiments of the respectives Houses and attention to the professional actuation bounds.

Adoption of legal measures and orientation in police criminal inquiries arising of accusation of tax evasion, smuggling and embezzlement, money laundering, corruption, disloyal competition, crimes against the economic order, violation of autoral rights, fiscal fraud, work accidents and accidents against the environment, amongst others.

Pension litigation and consulting.

Due to the constant changing in the legislation, mainly from the interpretation given by the Higher Courts and from the state interventionism in the labor relations, the prevention and adequacy is needed and constant.
The acting in this singular area from law requires technical knowledge in the current legislation, NR's - Regulatory Norms of Occupational Safety and Health, as well into the criminal repercution arising from the noncompliance of the NR's.
Facing it, Brasil Fernandes Law office gives emphasis in promoting judicial safety and reduction of the occupational liabilities of our clients through the preventive consultancy: contingency of the occupational liabilities and strategies for prevention of dispute avoidance and reduction of labor demands; and litigation in the 1st, 2nd and 3th grade spheres in Labor Claims - RT and ACP's - Public Civil Actions; conciliatory and attendance and representation of categories in the trade unions, federations and confederations.
Provide legal assistance to preparation of Programs for the Prevention of Environmental Risks (PPRA - in portuguese) and Programs for Medical Control and Occupational Health (PCMSO - in portuguese), for the correct adequation to the labor legislation.

The legal safety for the entrepreneur have the possibility of administrate your onw bussiness involves ongoing monitoring of legal innovations edited by the Union, States, Municipalities and the Higher Courts decisions.
Expertise and technical knowlegde, our law firm lead the attendance in companies of whom need advisory and advocacy for tax demands and in defence of each coustumer interest facing the Revenue and eventual criminal repercution of the case.
Minimize the legal-taxes risks need a close watch and safe counsel, with view of prospection and perception of the threats and opportunities that might appear in the legislation.

The Digital law is present in almost all judicial practices areas and nowadays is essential to all corporate activities, as well as to the protection of legal and social relations, regarding the entrepreneurial and corporate risks, between others ventures.
Attending to support efficiency and legal security, the office offers the services below:
- Consulting about the legal aspects of websites, new internet business, focusing on a statutory shield.
- Specialized work in consumerist litigation of e-commerce
- Consulting for Start-ups and Fintechs
- Elaboration and implementation of Terms and Conditions, E-Contracts and Privacy Policy for websites.
- Development and implementation of compliance policy to companies in digital environment.